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Lemongrass the superpower oil

In this post I'm spotlighting lemongrass oil. It’s absolutely my second favorite oil, it’s so versatile and there are literally one hundred ways to use it. I call it the superpower oil. It has so many benefits from being used internally to repelling insects, it’s incredible. Due to its multiple benefits, it’s also a popularly used oil in Ayurveda. If you don’t have it in your oil current oil collection make it your next purchase especially with summer coming up, it’s literally an essential oil to have.

Where is Lemongrass oil produced?

Lemongrass is native to the tropical countries of India, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia

Lemongrass oil benefits

Here are 5 amazing benefits of Lemongrass.

  1. Healthy digestion- There’s a reason why it’s so popular in Asian cuisine in soups, teas, and curries, Lemongrass promotes healthy digestion and a tonic for the overall body.

  2. Skincare -It’s great for purifying and toning the skin and used a lot in skincare.

  3. Antiseptic and Astringent - Lemongrass is used as a natural remedy to heal wounds and help prevent infection.

  4. Pain and muscle cramp reliever - The Citral present in the lemongrass essential oil helps to reduce pain and cramps caused by any inflammation.

  5. Lowers cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels – In ancient times, the Lemongrass herb was used to curb heart diseases. Since it is well known for improving digestion I think this goes hand in hand in helping to improve your cholesterol and blood sugar level.

5 ways to use Lemongrass oil.

1. Cooking and digestion - If you are interested in using this oil for cooking or internal ingestion, I must note that not all Lemongrass oils are suitable for internal use. The only brand I know that sells and tests its oils is DoTerra. You only need to add one drop to your recipe. You can add one drop to 1 liter of water in your water bottle and just drink throughout the day.

2. Insect repellent- Add a few drops to your laundry cycle when you wash your bath and toilet mats to keep away spiders and silver bugs. You can also create an insect repellent with a few drops and water in a simple spray bottle. You can check out our DIY INSECT REPELLENT HERE.

3. Pain relieving massage blend –Create your own massage oil blend by diluting a few drops to a carrier oil like Jojoba or sweet almond to relieve pain and muscle cramps.

4. Natural antiseptic spray- Add this NATURAL ANTISEPTIC SPRAY to your first aid kit for cuts and bruises.

5. Skin toner and hair oil – Ayurveda this oil is used in promoting hair growth and improving skin texture. For a great hair growth oil mix a couple of drops with Argan oil or Coconut oil and massage into the scalp leave for an hour or two either before washing or if you use oil after washing your hair like I do you can just massage a small amount after.

Oils that blend well with Lemongrass.

Lemongrass oil blends well with Basil, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, and Rosemary.

80% of Lemongrass oil is made up of Aldehydes which are responsible for the strong fragrance of the oil and can often calm your emotions. In general, aldehydes are generally anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, and calming to the nervous system. Other oils that have aldehydes as a major constituent are Cassia and Cinnamon.

Oil Safety

Lemongrass oil if used undiluted can cause skin irritations. Always dilute with a carrier oil before use. Always check your lemongrass oil has been recommended for internal use before using for cooking or internal-use applications. For all internal uses I only recommend using Do-Terra essential oils as it is tested and approved for internal use. .

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


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